This was today's Kyushouku, or School Lunch. It was so gross I had to take a picture. In the upper left-hand corner is a bowl of cold, fried tofu, konyaku (tastes like absolutely nothing feels like hard jello, is purple in colour), and a super hard-boiled egg that was so dry it sucked all the moisture from my mouth. Everything is covered in a brown sauce that tasted like... brown. Next to that is a bowl of white rice, the only thing that saved the meal for me and got me through the rest of the day still breathing. Below the rice is a large serving of cabbage salad covered in purple flakes that tasted... bad. I don't know quite how to describe it. Normally I like cabbage salad, but the purple flakes ruined it completely. Bleh. And finally, the plate of purple squid. If it had come battered and deep-fried, all would have been well - although that's a lot of calamari! - but this one came cold, slimy, and with a long spiney thing inside that everyone had to pull-out.
On days like this I would kill for one of thepeanut-butter and lettuce sandwiches that my brother and I used to get back in elementary school. I hated them at the time (who puts lettuce in a peanut-butter sandwich! Dad!), but anything would be better than today's meal of purple.
On days like this I would kill for one of thepeanut-butter and lettuce sandwiches that my brother and I used to get back in elementary school. I hated them at the time (who puts lettuce in a peanut-butter sandwich! Dad!), but anything would be better than today's meal of purple.