Saturday, December 16, 2006

Thank goodness for that!

Two weekends ago I was walking down the main street of Takayama when I spotted two women - western women and obviously tourists - holding a map and looking lost. I stopped and asked if I could help them out and we started chatting. Suddenly one of the women turned to me and said,

"By the way, your English is excellent!"

I paused and then replied "Why thank-you! I am Canadian..."

She looked a bit flustered for a second and then said something about how she would have known if only I'd said 'aboot', hahaha. And I explained about teaching English with the JET Programme etc.

They eventually went on their way. I was relieved to hear that my English speaking abilities haven't diminished after 4.5 months of living in Japan.


Anonymous said...

Brilliant. This is so funny.

(No one compliments my English here.)

Anonymous said...

born and raised in Canada but I'm still learnin the English.
Looks like all is well, I can not believe it's been over 4 months.
I would also like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year

Pat Miller
U of T