Thursday, September 06, 2007

Ka-Blamo !!

A few weeks ago bunch of us went swimming in a river, then to an onsen with 14 different types of baths - one had water dyed bright green that smelled like apples; it was like bathing in a giant tub of kool aid - and then to Maze (Mah-zeh) for their annual Hanabi Matsuri (fireworks festival).

I think I wrote about it last year, and posted some pictures. This year I took a video:

If the above doesn't work, here's the url:

And no, that is definitely not me you hear in the background going 'wowwww!'.


Anonymous said...

i wouldn't have blamed you if had been the one yelling "wowwww!" likely i would have been squealing like a five year old. kapow! awesome!

Anonymous said...

Nice. Very pretty and glittery.
Got your sushi paper! dream....