Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Tokyo 1: Having a Lost in Translation Moment

'Lost in Translation' being the wonderful movie about Jet lag and Karaoke in Tokyo (amongst other things) by Sofia Coppola, starring Bill Murray and Scarlet Johanson. I say this because it is currently 3:29 AM Tokyo time and I am wide awake, unable to sleep. Now, despite the wakefulness of myself at this present time, I'm also exhausted and I can't think straight. So let me give you some pictures.

Me and my mom at YYZ

Me and my dad at YYZ

So I said my goodbyes and was about to go through US customs when I heard my mother shout my name; turns out my brother had just called to say goodbye (aww). The security people were nice and let me go back to take the call.

These are some of the crazy kids I hung out with at the airport: Galina, Yuri and Audrey. Nice hat, Yuri.

We flew Northwest and first had a short stop-over in Detroit. Andrew and I went for a stroll and then nearly missed our connecting flight. Obviously we did not, but here we're a little sweaty and breathless from the run through the airport. Whoops.

And look, my very first view of Japan!

Well, that's it for this evening. We all depart for our prefectures early tomorrow morning and things will be crazy -- apparently there's a typhoon coming? Fun times! More pictures to come.


Anonymous said...

AHH! Where are the grocery store pictures??? WHERE?

Man, I hope you have a Sarah Kramer moment soon . . . and then another one . . . and then another one . . . where all you want to do is take photos of food the second before you eat it :)

Anonymous said...

whenever you can't sleep, go find scarlett!